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Frequently Asked Question
How do you ensure the safety of your users?

PlanB, the safety of our users, is our top priority. We have implemented several measures to ensure that our platform is safe and secure

Manual profile verification: Each new user must verify their indemnity age and profile before they can start using the platform. This helps to ensure that all users are real and not bots or scammers.

How do you protect user data?

We take the privacy of our users very seriously. All user data is stored securely on our servers, and we use the latest encryption technologies to protect it. We do not share user data with third parties.

How do you deal with scammers and fake profiles?

We have implemented several measures to prevent scammers and fake profiles on our platform. These include manual profile verification, moderation, and a reporting system. If we identify a user as a scammer or a fake profile, we immediately take action to remove them from the platform.

How do you ensure that users are comfortable using your platform?

We understand that meeting online can be intimidating for some users. That's why we have put in place a number of measures to make our platform as comfortable and user-friendly as possible. These measures include:

User-Friendly Interface:

We have designed our platform to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. Our users can easily find what they are looking for and connect with other users.

Helpful Customer Support:

Our customer support team is available 24/7 to help users with any questions or concerns they may have.

Community Guidelines:

We have clear and concise community guidelines that all users must follow. These guidelines help to create a safe and comfortable environment for all users.

How do you ensure that users have a positive experience on your platform?

We are committed to providing a positive user experience on our platform. To achieve this, we have implemented a number of measures, including:

User Profiles:

Our platform allows users to create detailed profiles that showcase their interests, hobbies, and personality. This helps users find like-minded people and build meaningful and brief online connections.

Matching Algorithms:

We use advanced matching algorithms to connect users based on their interests, location, and other factors. This helps users find compatible match quickly and easily

Communication Tools:

Our platform offers a range of communication tools, including chat, video calls, and emojis. This allows users to connect with each other in a variety of ways that suit their preferences.